The broader aim of this center is to provide policy support to the government for rapid, sustainable, and competitive growth and advancement of the nation through science, technology, innovation in all sectors including agriculture, medicine, industry, and governance. The center is subdivided into the following three units.

5.1 Agriculture Unit

This unit supports national policies on the modernization of agriculture and livestock sectors, food safety and security, farmers’ welfare, agriculture information system, sustainable use of forestry, water, mineral, and other natural resources, and research and extension in agriculture and natural resources.

5.2 Ecology, Environment and Climate Unit

This unit supports national policies on ecological services, biodiversity, air and water, chemicals, waste disposal, environmental conservation and upgrading, climate change and adaptation, circular economy, green economy, and sustainable consumption and production.

5.3 Science, Technology and Innovation Unit

This unit provides support to national policies on scientific capacity development, the culture of inquiry, research activity, research information system, development and use of technology for advancement, innovation ecosystem, intellectual property, STEAM education, and the scientific world view of citizens.

Panel of Senior Thematic Experts (Honorary Senior Advisors)

Prof. Dr. Ranjana Gupta
Dr. Dinesh Raj Bhuju
Mr. Ajay Dixit
Prof. Dr. Jiba Raj Pokharel
Dr. Sangeeta Kaushal Mishra
Dr. Suroj Pokhrel

Research Team

Deepak Kumar Khadka, PhD

Senior Research Fellow

Research (Current Fiscal Year)

No Research found in this Category

Research (Previous Fiscal Years)

SN Title of Project Name of Collaborator (if any) Name of PI/Co-PI Year of Completion Project Status Publication Type
1 A Study of Nepal’s Public Policy Processes (A): Policymakers’ Perception and Use of Information in Decision-Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic Kathmandu University, School of Arts 2022 Download Research Report
2 A gap analysis of science- policy interface in the agriculture sector of Nepal Ongoing Research Report
3 A gap analysis of science-policy interface in the health sector of Nepal Ongoing Research Report
4 Consistency analysis: Are agriculture policies consistent with constitutional mandates? PI: Dr. Santosh Adhikari 2019 Download Research Report
5 Feasibility study of for water export from Nepal to the Middle-East Saroj Dhakal 2019 Download Research Report
6 Exploratory survey of wind and solar energy potential of Mustang district for power generation Kushal Gurung 2019 Download Research Report