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नी.अ.प्र.प्र.न.७४: नीति अनुसन्धान प्रतिष्ठानले नेपाल सरकार तथा अन्य सरकारी निकायहरूसमक्ष गरेका नीति सिफारिसहरू (२०७९ भदौदेखि २०८० साउनसम्म)
Opinions, suggestions and consultations for necessary amendments in Civil Services National Training Policy, 2079 (Draft).
Suggestions for foreign policy study sub-committee formed under the chairmanship of Honorable Mr. Deepak Prakash Bhatt under the Federal Parliament, House of Representatives, International Relations Committee
Recommendations for the formulation of monetary policy for the fiscal year 2079/80
Public Financial Management Reform Strategy-II (Updated Report) Suggestions and Feedback for Improvement
Recommendation regarding use of electronic voting system
Study recommendations for electoral system reform
Feedback of PRIs on Draft Business Logistics Development Policy
Service receiver satisfaction analysis of the services provided by the District Police Office, summary of research summary and recommendations
Opinions and suggestions on the draft of “Internal Audit Standards”, OPMCM, 18 Jan. 2022