Prof. Dr. Arvind Kumar Keshari
Board MemberBiography
Prof. Dr. Arvind Kumar Keshari, a PhD in Zoology (Plant Nematology) from Tribhuvan University, is a Professor of Zoology and is currently the Head of the Department of Zoology at Patan Multiple Campus. He brings some 37 years of graduate-level teaching and research experience. His academic interests include plant nematode taxonomy/management; biocontrol; tissue culture and anther culture of rice and other crops; native and SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; biotechnology techniques (DNA isolation, restriction analysis) and agrobacterium culture. To his credit are over five textbooks on various aspects of biology and zoology and over 15 peer-reviewed articles. Among the research grants he has received is the 2013 Faculty Research Grant from the University Grant Commission to research “Nematicidal Activity of Some Indigenous Plant Extracts for Control of Root-knot Nematode (Meloidogyne Incognita) on Tomato Plant.”
Dr. Keshari can be contacted at: arvindkeshari2020@gmail.com