हाम्रो समूह | प्रोफाइल

डा. राजेन्द्र ध्वज जोशी
कार्यसमिति सदस्यअसोज ७, २०७५ - असोज ६, २०७८
Rajendra Dhoj Joshi is a citizen of Nepal. He holds Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. He served at the Institute of Engineering over two decades in various capacities including as the Professor of Electrical Engineering and the Dean. He also worked in the education sectors of Nepal, Russia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, India and Bhutan under the World Bank. Enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of education service delivery through reforms is his key areas of strength and focus. He is associated with several critical reforms in the education sector of Nepal, which include introduction of full-fee concept at the Institute of Engineering, decentralization in higher education, performance-based funding of schools and higher education institutions, opening textbook supply to the private sector, community-based management, per capita financing for schools, quality assurance and accreditation of higher education institutions and the poverty-targeted financial assistance for students. Among other publications, he has authored a publication on higher education reforms in Nepal titled “Reforms at the Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal” (2002) and coauthored a publication titled “Secondary Education in Ethiopia, Supporting Growth and Transformation” (2013), both published by the World Bank.
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
Professional Experience
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Institute of Engineering (IOE)
Institute of Engineering (IOE)
Madan Bhandari University Of Science and Technology Board
World Bank