हाम्रो समूह | प्रोफाइल

डा. विष्णु राज उप्रेती
कार्यकारी अध्यक्षफागुन २०, २०७६ देखि फागुन १९, २०७९
काठमाडौँ, नेपाल
Bishnu Raj Upreti holds PhD (2001) in Conflict Management and MSc on Knowledge Systems Management (1998) from the Wageningen University the Netherlands and MA in sociology (1994) from the Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Bishnu worked as Research Fellow at the King’s College, University of London and the Centre for Environmental Strategies, University of Surrey, UK. In the 40 years of experiences (in the field of development from 1980 to 1996 and in research from 1996 to date), Bishnu has gained wider experiences from local to international levels. He served as South Asia Coordinator of a global research programme called NCCR North-South and Senior Researcher focusing state building, peace and unconventional security (water, food, health, environmental security); governance and north-south research partnership.
Bishnu has performed different responsibilities ranging from heading different research organizations, leading or co-leading several national, regional and global research projects operating in Asia, Africa and Latin America. He was regular visiting scholar in different US and European universities and research centres. He has served as advisor, member of Board of Trustee, executive committees, recruitment panels, reviewer of the grants, supervised more than one and half dozens of national and international PhD students. Bishnu was also teaching and supervising PhD and masters students at Kathmandu University and Agriculture and Forestry University. His teaching and research is mainly focused on social and public policy, conflict management and state building related issues. He has written and/or co- edited nearly five dozen books; published frequently in international peer reviewed journals and extensively contributed chapters in anthologies and edited volumes. He is widely quoted in national and international media.
PhD in Conflict Management
MSc on Knowledge Systems Management
Wageningen University the Netherlands
MA in sociology
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
व्यावसायिक नियुक्ति
Research Fellow
King's College, University of London
Research Fellow
Centre for Environmental Strategies, University of Surrey, UK
South Asia Coordinator
NCCR North-South
Senior Researcher
Governance and north-south research partnership.
Teaching and Supervising PhD and masters students
Kathmandu University and Agriculture and Forestry University