For your convenience, we have collected digital copies of all available federal state policies of the government of Nepal here:  Policies

You can find our research reports or information here

There are three ways to get involved with the PRI.

Roster of Experts – If you are an expert in any area of policy research, you can join the PRI Roster of Experts and offer your service to conduct policy research, review proposals and reports..

We invite you to join the PRI Roster of Experts

Sharing Ideas–  If you have innovative ideas and concepts for relevant policy research and related activities, you can visit our office to meet our staff. You can also submit your ideas and concepts online here.

Internship – We have also opportunities for brilliant and highly motivated young graduates for internship at the PRI. Call us or send your inquiry regarding availability at

The Article 51 of the constitution of Nepal outlines ‘Policies of the State’ and sets a constitutional foundation for the transformative policy commitment. The PRI has a wide mandate for policy research in the sectors including security, international relation, economic development, social justice, transparency, good governance, civil service, corruption control, money laundering control, safety of public properties and revenue, resolution of conflict of interest, implementation of citizen charters, code of conduct and ethics for civil servants, civil service, development service, protection of environment, governance reformation, and all issues requested by the government of Nepal through the office of the prime minister and ministries. These areas are organized into five thematic clusters.  PRI Thematic Clusters

The PRI generates high-quality knowledge products for public policies through rigorous research, public interaction, and drawing and synthesizing from available information and societal knowledge, and shares them with the government of Nepal and public.

The PRI is created and funded by the government of Nepal. It is governed by an autonomous board and an executive chairperson.