Prof. Dr. Ranjana Gupta
Prof. Dr Ranjana Gupta specializes in parasitology. She is former head of Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University and currently is a member of Academic Council, TU, Quality and Accreditation Technical Committee, Higher Education QAA Council under the University Grants Commission (UGC), Nepal
She is also a former senator of Tribhuvan University Assembly. She has experience of working as a member of subject committees under Institute of Science and Technology, Zoology and Bio-technology, TU.
Recipient of National Education award by HMG, Nepal in 1989, Mahendra Vidya Bhushan by HMG, Nepal in 1998, Nepal Education Award by Nepal Gov. in 2009 and Dirgha Sewa Padak by Vice Chancellor, T.U. 2010, Prof Dr Gupta has conducted more than 25 research projects in the relevant fields, supervised more than one hundred MSC and two PhD dissertations. To her credit are publication of several scientific papers and a book on fundamentals and practice of research methodology.