Dr. Man Bahadur Bishwakarma
Dr. Man Bahadur Bishwakarma has completed his postdoc research on food security as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar (2016/17) at Brandeis University, USA. He obtained PhD in Social Inclusion in Microfinance in 2010 from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He did postgraduate diploma in Social Studies from the ISS, Netherlands (2004), MA (Economics) in Rural and Cooperative Development (2000) and MBA (1991) in financial management from Tribhuvan University, Diploma (1997) in Agro-Cooperatives Management from Japan. He has long working experience with various international development agencies such as GTZ, Save the Children, UNICEF, CWS UK, UNDP among others.
He has experiences on conflict, peace and constitution building process as he led the Constitutional Dialogue Centre/UNDP during the Constitutional Assembly-I. In 2010, he rejoined the public service of Nepal as a joint secretary and served as the Director General for Labour Department, Chief District Officer in several districts, Secretary for provincial Government of Lumbeni and Karnali; and the Principal Secretary for Bagamati province. He took retirement in April 2021. He has been serving as a visiting faculty for MPhil Programme (Education) and MBA-BF Programme of Tribhuvan University and written a dozen of text books for college students and several books on development issues including social inclusion in microfinance and eradication of hunger.