Talk Held for Institutional Collaboration between Policy Research Institute and Nepal Law Campus
Today, delegates of Nepal Law Campus led by Dr. D. N. Parajuli, Campus Chief and Associate Professor, and accompanied by Dr. Balaram Prasad Raut, Assistant Professor, and Mr. Apurba Khatiwoda, Assistant Professor, met with the team of Policy Research Institute at the office of the Executive Chairperson, Dr. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Present at the meeting were Dr. Deepak Kumar Khadka, Head of Research Department, Dr. Muktiram Rijal, Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator of the Thematic Cluster ‘Governance and Public Service Delivery’, Mr. Purushottam Tiwari, Office Manager, and Ms. Pratima Pandey, Account Officer, from Policy Research Institute.
Nepal Law Campus team and Policy Research Institute team discussed on potential area of research collaboration and mechanism of institutional collaboration.