PRI and Nepal Law Campus Sign a Research Agreement on Electoral System Reform
On 18 December 2020, PRI and Nepal Law Campus signed an agreement to undertake research on electoral system reform. The research aims to make policy recommendations on the electoral system and management based on studies on national and international practices, the experience of election experts, managers, candidates and voters on election administration, and existing mechanisms and procedures of the country.
Nepal Law Campus will lead the research with Mr Nilkantha Uprety, former Chief Election Commissioner, as Principal Investigator and Tej Man Shakya and Deshbandhu Adhikari of Nepal Law Campus as Co-investigators of the research project. On behalf of PRI, Dr. Mukti Ram Rijal, Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator of Governance and Public Service Delivery Cluster and Madhu Regmi, Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator of Political and Social Affairs Cluster, will support the study as Coordinator and Co-Investigators respectively.
For smooth conduction of research, the agreement has provided for a research advisory committee headed by PRI Executive Chairperson and Campus Chief of Nepal Law Campus. Representatives of the Election Commission and election experts (maximum four) will be the members of the Committee.
The research agreement undersigned by Dr. Bishnu Raj Upreti, Executive Chairperson and Dr. Mukunda Kattel, Acting Office Manager and Head of Information and Knowledge Management Department, on behalf of PRI and Dr. D. N. Parajulee, the Chief of Nepal Law Campus and Tej Man Shakya, Assistant Professor of the Campus, on behalf of Nepal Law Campus will be complete within four months.
Research Project Signed with the Central Department of Anthropology, TU on Impact of COVID-19 and Resilient Well-being
The research project will combine quantitative and ethnographic/qualitative methods of data collection using a stratified sample survey in selected locations of seven provinces. Based on the review of existing policies concerning the topic of the study and the empirical data generated from the field, policy recommendations will be offered in terms of the delivery or non-delivery of services against the policy goals set by the concerned government agencies.
For the research, an advisory committee is formed consisting of representatives of PRI and the Central Department of Anthropology, TU. Dr. Deepak Kumar Khadka, the Head of Research Department at PRI, will be the focal person for regular communication between PRI and the research team. Dr. Khadka will also serve as a Co-investigator of the research project.
The agreement undersigned by Dr. Mukunda Kattel on behalf of PRI and by Dr. Dambar Chemjong and Dr. Mukta Singh Lama Tamang on behalf of the Central Department of Anthropology, TU was witnessed by PRI Chairperson Dr. Bishnu Raj Upreti and is agreed to be complete within six months from the date of the agreement.