Policy Research Institute’s Monthly Staff Meeting held
Policy Research Institute had started monthly staff meeting and it was discontinued after its 6th staff meeting in last Bhadra. Now the regular monthly staff meeting has been started with the 7th staff meeting (on 15th July).
The purpose of the meeting was also refined and agreed by all staff as sharing experiences, views, issues and important information beyween the staff and the management and thereby strengthening the institutional cohesion, interpersonal relation, awareness and understanding about institution’s micro and macro dynamics and the sense of ownership and collectivism. Further, the monthly meeting will also review the past months activities and prepare an outlook for the next month.
Every staff had an opportunity to share their views freely. Apart from individual ideas and issues shared by the staff, a recurring theme was an unmistakable understanding about the gravity of the mandate of the institution and individual commitment for the highest standard of professionalism in the work and behavior. It was a joyful and revealing moment for all of us.
The meeting took important decisions on daily tasks, personal etiquette and care to be provided to the staff.