Policy Research Institute Delegates Meet with the Home Secretary for Policy Research Cooperation
Today, Policy Research Institute officials met with the Home Secretary Mr. Maheshwor Neupane, and the Joint-secretary (Policy, Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation Division), Mr. Chakra Bahadur Buda, at the office of the Home Secretary at Singhdurbar, and discussed about policy research projects that are being developed at PRI and are closely related to the ministry, and about a channel between the two agencies for communication, feedback and cooperation. The delegation from the PRI was led by Dr. Bishnu Raj Upreti, Executive Chairperson, and accompanied by Dr. Deepak Kumar Khadka, Head of Research Department and Dr. Muktiram Rijal, Coordinator of the Thematic Cluster ‘Governance and Public Service Delivery’. The Home Secretary has assigned the Policy, Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation Division as a communication channel between the PRI and the ministry.